Friday 27 September 2024

News articles with tapescript, podcasts and more

On the Saturday Night Live show you can find funny satirical stuff. These two recent videos have gone viral and become instant classics:

I´ve found a few excellent resources to practice your reading and listening skills. 

The content is very interesenting too and one of them can be be used as an app on the phone

Noa app 

The Conversation

On The audio long reads from the Guardian  you can read and listen to the article if you open it in a new window. That way you can also practice your pronunciation.

And to find out about podcasts you might enjoy you can check out the links below:

Best podcasts to learn English C1.2

To get started and  ease your way into the world of English podcasts you can also try BBC 6 minute English B2/C1.1

Best British radio and podcasts (the phone app is great) and  Great ad-free US radio and podcasts  C2

I recommend to listen to some podcasts intensively, focusing on the grammar and vocabulary as well as modelling your accent on the speakers´, but you should also listen to others in a more leisurely way as if you where listening to the radio. Playing a radio station in the background when doing something else can prove to be very useful too.

Free audiobooks Free audiobooks-2

Best TV shows to practice British English C1/C2

Thursday 26 September 2024

 Welcome to the 24-25 school year! My name is Juan and my email is 

I hope we can learn a lot and have some fun together.

Presentación curso 24-25


20 things you might now know about the world of languages

language tree

This is the ice-breaking activity to get to know one another a little bit: 30/35:

C2 activity      C1 activity

 200 questions to really get to know someone

B2-C1-C2 comparison

And here you have the curricular description of C2 and C1

This is an extract from the DAILY SHOW , a funny way to to be up to date with international news:

And a video by he the former host of the Daily Show  on the Southafrican accent:

If you want to keep up to date with what´s going on in our country you´d better do it in Engllish:

Saturday 8 August 2020


 Here you have some prestigious tv series and  films that tackle different aspects of  American and British society and  will help you keep your English alive while staying in touch with contemporary issues:


The newsroom (News) HBO

Succession (Media moguls) HBO

Mad Men (Advertising) Amazon



The Knick  (history of medicine) HBO

Band of Brothers ( War World II) HBO

Deadwood (Wild West) HBO

Boardwalk Empire (Prohibition) HBO



House of Cards Netflix

The West Wing Amazon

Vice Amazon

The Plot against America HBO

The man in the High Castle Amazon



The Laundromat Netflix

The Spider´s Web Youtube


The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel  Amazon

Years and Years HBO

This is Us  Amazon

The Wire  (HBO)


Monday 6 July 2020

Recommended series for the summer

If you´re interested in series that depict cultural and historical events in British or American history I include a few prestigious series that  will help you improve your English and gain an insight into some important aspects of British and American history

THE CROWN (netflix)

WHEN THEY SEE US (netflix)




Sunday 14 June 2020

Return to "new normal"

Hi everybody!

I hope you´re fine and  making the most of the new normality.

As a tribute to the all the victims of systemic racism and police brutality in the US and all over the world I offer this visual quote by the great writer Maya Angelou that encapsulates  the solution to this disgraceful reality:

 I´d also like to share an article by the renowned primatologist and conservationist Jane Goodall on the challanges the world is facing now:

Humanity is finished if it fails to adapt after Covid-19

Here you have a blog where they recommend "the best 17 podcasts to learn English": 

And a video where you´re talked through the best British TV shows to improve your English: 

Take good care of yourself and of someone else if you can!

Saturday 9 May 2020

Getting through the pandemic with greater wisdom

Susan David on Getting through the pandemic with greater wisdom

Right now we are facing one of the biggest challenges in our lives: a global pandemic which is forcing us to stay within our homes or distance ourselves from our family, friends, and neighbors. It’s a time full of uncertainty, anxiety, and sadness, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed with these tough emotions.

On the one hand, we might obsessively brood on our feelings, struggling to sleep in the face of discouraging statistics or overthinking a minor quarrel with a spouse. On the other, we might bottle our emotions, blindly pursuing a sense of normalcy that right now doesn’t truly exist, or rationalizing our way out of them (“I shouldn’t be sad.”). Our culture often dictates the idea that natural emotions are either good or bad, positive or negative, and we can find ourselves forcing happiness rather than observing how we are actually feeling. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not anti-happiness. I like being happy. I’m a pretty happy person. But when we push aside normal emotions to embrace false positivity, we lose our capacity to develop skills to deal with the world as it is, not as we wish it to be. Now is not the time for white-knuckled control. Instead, it’s the time to cultivate the wisdom and courage to move forward with emotional agility.

The pyramid model I’ve developed (above) illustrates the critical steps we can follow to deal with both the reality of our present and the emotions that come with this reality, in a healthy way. The steps outlined can leave us more resilient and stronger than ever.

  1. Gentle Acceptance: As much as we want to, we cannot control every situation–especially a global pandemic. There is no value in struggling to deny or suppress feelings of anxiety, hopelessness or grief. This only makes us feel worse. By showing up to a difficult situation and accepting it, we are freed up to move beyond it. Acceptance is the prerequisite for positive change.
  2. Compassion: You must be kind to yourself. These are not normal times: tens of thousands of people are dying and losing their livelihoods. Recognize with kindness that you are trying to live your life and juggle competing demands in abnormal circumstances. Give yourself a break and let go of perfectionism. Now is not the time for perfection but for forgiveness and flexibility. Also, see if you can let go of judging others. They, too, are doing the best they can. You don’t have insight into the history of the woman who is hoarding food or what it is she has seen in her past, but she is scared. Try to broaden your scope.
  3. Routine: Human beings need routine in order to maintain a sense of order. It’s the glue that holds us together from day to day. When we are faced with the unfamiliar, we tend to fill in the gaps with fear. We are currently away from our routines–working from home, homeschooling, and living in close quarters with others. We are adapting to unprecedented circumstances. This can be scary. So let’s fill in the gaps of the unknown with things that are comfortable, familiar, and connected with our values. Healthy routines are essential, specifically those associated with sleep, exercise and eating. Our bodies and minds are so interconnected and our physical health is reflected in our psychological state. Try to ground yourself during the course of the day by incorporating experiences that are reminiscent of your normal lifestyle. Whether that means waking up at the time you normally would to commute to work or maintaining your family tradition of Friday movie night, the preservation of these small habits will give you comfort. Remember that it may not be possible to adhere to all aspects of your regular routine and approach this new reality with grace instead of rigidity.
  4. Connection: It’s important to note that “social distancing” is really physical distancing. Connection is so important, now more than ever. Even though you cannot be in someone’s physical presence, you can continue to nourish your relationships, especially if you’re feeling lonely. You need that support. Also, if safe, make sure to hug your child and/or partner. Put down your phone and laugh with your family, play games, do puzzles.
  5. Courage: Research now shows that the radical acceptance of all of our emotions–even the messy, difficult ones–is the cornerstone to resilience, thriving, and true, authentic happiness. But courage is more than just the acceptance of emotions. Our emotions are data that tells us what we’re missing in our lives. A ‘guilty’ parent might be missing real connection with her child. Grief is love, looking for its home – reminding us of the our special times. Slow down and face into your difficult emotions with courage. What you find there will signpost to you how to make better decisions and take values-based actions.
  6. Reset: This is the time for reflection. What priorities did you once have that no longer seem important? What parts of ‘normal’ do you not want to rush back to? Gather your data, keep a journal, and reflect on what you learn about yourself. This information is valuable and it will guide you as you move forward.
  7. Wisdom: Life’s beauty is inseparable from its fragility. We are young until we are not. We walk down the streets sexy until one day we realize that we are unseen. We are healthy until a diagnosis brings us to our knees. The only certainty is uncertainty, and once we realize this as truth, the healthier and more authentically happier we will be. When I was little, I would wake up at night terrified by the idea of death. My father would comfort me with soft pats and kisses. But he would never lie. “We all die, Susie,” he would say. “It’s normal to be scared.” He didn’t try to invent a falsely positive buffer between me and reality. It took me a while to understand the power of how he guided me through those nights. What he showed me is that courage is not an absence of fear; courage is fear walking.

Our time on this earth is all too short and all too precious. Life is asking us all right now–are you agile? Let the answer be an unreserved “yes.” It’s a yes borne of a correspondence with your own heart–in seeing yourself for who you truly are. Because in seeing yourself, you are also able to see others, too: the only sustainable way forward in a fragile, beautiful world.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

World Book Day

 Happy World Book day everybody!  

Run out of things to do in quarantine? We've got you covered with 50 fun, free ways to keep busy during the coronavirus lockdown.
So you’re in lockdown. You’ve completed Netflix list and you’re tired of talking about the news with your flatmate.
Don’t fret, there are still plenty of free things left to do.
We’ve collated a list of 50 fun and free things to do using your internet connection or items you already have lying around to get you through the weeks of lockdown. 

Monday 6 April 2020

Easter Week

If you feel like celebrating Easter week you can watch a clip from the classic film adaptation of the musical JesusChrist Superstar (there´s a playlist with other good songs)

On another totally different note you can have fun trying to answer Jimmy Carr´s daily lockdown questions ( here you have a compilation of week 1)


Monday 30 March 2020

Cultural offer for home isolation

I hope you´re fine and making the most of your time at home, it´s essential to stay grounded and keep your negative thoughts at bay.
I´m posting some links that you might enjoy and use as the basis for an informal email or an audio recording.

My best wishes

Best online culture for self-isolation

Best online art galleries

Recommend new podcasts:

The effect of Covid-19 on cities

Social distancing BBC

Recommended magazines: